
Why people over 50 deserve a place on your shortlist

Written by Richard Spencer | Feb 26, 2025 3:20:49 AM

In a rapidly changing job market, organisations are constantly on the lookout for talent that can drive innovation, stability, and growth. While younger candidates often dominate the spotlight, there’s a vast and often underutilised pool of talent waiting to be tapped: people aged 50 and above. 

Despite prevailing stereotypes, hiring individuals over 50 can bring significant advantages to organisations, but the problem with stereotypes about ageism is that they are deeply embedded in our culture, often operating unnoticed and typified by phrases like ‘older people struggle with technology’ or ‘they are resistant to change.’

‘These assumptions are so normalised that they rarely face criticism and lack the same outrage typically associated with other overt forms of prejudice, for example, sexism or racism, despite their lack of veracity.  According to research by Peter Cappelli, Professor of Management at the Wharton School, stereotyped views of workers aged over 50 couldn’t be more wrong:

‘Every aspect of job performance gets better as we age…I thought the picture might be more mixed, but it isn’t.  The juxtaposition between the superior performance of older workers and the discrimination against them in the workplace really makes no sense.’

So how can recruiters overcome these stereotypes and why do candidates aged 50+ deserve a prominent place on your shortlists?

1. Consider depth of experience and expertise as a positive

Candidates over 50 bring decades of professional experience, often spanning multiple industries, roles, and challenges, which means they’ve encountered and resolved a wide range of challenges, equipping them to handle complex issues with confidence.  Their historical perspective on industry trends and practices can provide valuable insights that younger candidates may not yet possess.

2. Value their work ethic and extended tenure

Older candidates established work habits make them dependable team members who can be counted on to meet deadlines and deliver quality work.  Equally, studies show that older employees are more likely to stay with a company longer, reducing staff turnover and the associated costs.

AgeInc’s Voice of experience research and data from HILDA, demonstrate that average tenure for people aged over 50 is 6 years and 8 months, in comparison to people in their 20s, who typically stay with an employer for 18 months.

3. Adaptability born of experience 

Contrary to the stereotype that older workers resist change, they have all successfully adapted to evolving industries and technologies throughout their careers. People aged 50+ have already weathered economic downturns, industry disruptions, as well as organisational change, and they know how to stay focused.

There is also an increasing trend across all ages to consider lifelong learning, which many older professionals are embracing to create opportunities to upskill, especially in new technology and digital tools.

4. Consider their broader professional networks

Professionals over 50 often have extensive networks built over decades. These networks can provide access to potential business, partnerships, or resources and of course introduce diverse perspectives and connections that improve inter-generational working.

Despite the clear advantages, ageism remains a barrier for many candidates over 50. As a recruiter, addressing this bias is not just the right thing to do; it’s also a smart business move. Think about:

  • Revising job adverts: Avoid age-biased language like ‘digital native’ or ‘fast-paced environment’.  Focus on skills and outcomes instead.
  • Promote inclusive hiring: Train your teams to recognise and challenge unconscious bias.
  • Talk to your clients about flexibility: Many older candidates value flexible working arrangements, which can attract underutilised top talent.

Finally, research consistently shows that age-diverse teams outperform homogenous ones. Encouraging your clients to embrace diversity of thought and experience brings different perspectives that foster creative problem-solving and, combining fresh ideas with seasoned insights leads to more balanced decisions.

Including candidates over 50 on your shortlist isn’t just about doing the right thing; it’s about unlocking untapped potential that can drive your client’s forward. Their experience, adaptability, and leadership skills make them valuable assets in today’s job market. By challenging stereotypes and fostering age-inclusive hiring practices, recruiters can build stronger, more resilient agencies - and gain a significant advantage over their competitors.

So, the real question isn’t why should you consider candidates over 50; it’s why wouldn’t you and why aren’t you?

First published by APSCo at: